Eatgood Sweden AB

Eatgood Sweden AB with headquarters and technical development in Borås , as well as production in Habo. With the knowledge that it is difficult to change behaviour and habits of people, the business idea is to develop technology and products enabling healthier ways of cooking of traditional food without people having to change their habits. We offer the market a technology that fries with the help of steam and warm air, rather than with frying oil. Air Fry Technology is used in our Light- fry oven.

Company board

Per-Johan Swartling

b. 1960. Chairman of the board
Economist. Former accounting manager at Bohlin and Jacobsson, controller and administrative director at Haléns Postorder, CFO and administrative director at Corporate Express. Now administrative director at Gina Tricot.

Number of shares: 0 shares.

Henrik Önnermark

b. 1969. Board member, CEO
Bachelor. Former bank manager at SEB, own company Bikepoint AB, company consultant Espira AB. VD at Eatgood since 2010.

Number of shares: 1 123 877 shares through company, 484 855 shares private.

Tord Andersson

b. 1956. Board member
Educated as a Master of Business Administration with a degree from the Gothenburg School of Economics (GU) Began his career in SKF and Volvo Trucks to step further into Vibab 1981-89 in the roles of CFO and then CEO.

In 1989, Tord Andersson began the journey with AP & T, active in the sheet metal forming industry that produces complete production systems, automation equipment, presses, tools as well as service, support and imitation. From 1991 – 2013, Tord Andersson was the CEO of AP & T and during these years the company was established globally. During Tord Andersson’s time, the company grew from SEK 200 million to SEK 1,150 million.

Until 2013, during the period of strong growth, own sales and service offices were established in the following markets: North America, Germany, Denmark, Japan, PRC (China) and Poland.

Number of shares: 548 864 shares through company.

Kristian Jönsson

b. 1979. Board member
Natural science, business and e-commerce education. Certified board member. Logistics manager for the start-up of Stadium’s e-commerce, then operational responsibility and now development specialist.

Number of shares: 372 424 shares private.

Gunnar Axelsson

b. 1955. Board member
Master of Science in Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology. Has been active within the Volvo organization and with various partners in Sweden and abroad for 15 years. Worked as CEO at, among others, Elektromekan and Håkansson Sågblad for 22 years.

Number of shares:  0 shares